


據英國《每日郵報》9月8日報導,近日,印度攝影師阿爾瓊•卡馬特(Arjun Kamath)拍攝了一組名為《出櫃》的系列作品,講述了一對同性戀情侶的故事,以支持印度的同性戀者,引起了社會的廣泛關注。


No longer fighting it: The two can be seen embracing in the  images, and it is revealed that they have been 'in love for the longest time ever'

Work of art: Arjun also wrote a story to go along with the pictures, sharing the fictionalized account on his Facebook page
Whole new world: Maitreyi and Alpana are pictured holding hands as they explore the freedom of the forest around them 

Free to roam: 'They walked hand in hand, observing the screeching swallows as they chased whirring dragonflies in a dance of life and death,' Arjun wrote


Playful moment: Alpana covers Maitreyi's eyes with a red ribbon as they set off to play a game of hide and seek
Happier than ever: The two are smiling and laughing as they enjoy their new-found sense of comfort in the peaceful forest 

Terrible guilt: Alpana was the one who decided they should play hide and seek, and she is visibly upset as she pulls the thorn out of her lover's foot 

Loving touch: Maitreyi can be seen caressing Alpana's ear as she gives her a tender kiss on her nose 
Finding peace: Maitreyi is pictured holding Alpana from behind as she holds a mirror to their faces 



Danger is coming: The Rakshasas, a type of evil in Hindi mythology, keep their faces covered by red fabric as they emerge from the woods 

Please stop: The women scream as they are tied up in chains by the Rakshasas. Arjun explained in his captions that they are being punished for their love 

Horrible moment: The Rakshasas drag them away and Arjun wrote that they would be forced to 'pay for their sins' 

Personal choice: Arjun said that he chose photography to convey this story because viewing pictures 'requires almost no effort but their emotional impact is huge'
Society's reaction: Maitreyi and Alpana are forced back into the closet that they had so bravely managed to emerge from at the start of the series
Fearing for their lives: Another image shows the Rakshasas lighting the closet on fire while the two women are trapped inside
Tragic story: 'All the wonderful moments that they spent together flashed before their eyes as the closet erupted into flames,' Arjun wrote. 





