


1. 他發明了史上最實用的包包

This dude who invented the most useful backpack of all time:

2. 最浪漫的兄弟情

These bros living out their dreams:

3. 他用另外一種方法告訴我們天氣

This dapper bro telling us the weather:

4. 你以為你在園遊會嗎

This brocacho turning up in the Jiffy Lube waiting room:

5. 他完全知道怎麼擄獲少女的心

This bromigo who knows the key to a woman's heart:

6. 他把毒品發揮到淋漓盡致

This brah living drugs to the fullest:


7. 哪個王八在女廁畫了一隻蜘蛛

This brotist who painted a spider on the floor of the women's bathroom:

8. 餔餔~

This bro trolling the po-po:

9. 這個漢子不需要擋風玻璃

This hard-ass who doesn't need a windshield:


This guy selling a mirror on Craigslist who knows sex sells:

11. 這個睡著的人也不簡單

This sleepy bro:

12. 到底多懶!!!

This lazy bro:

13. 別在人家婚禮帳棚後面亂尿!

This overly hydrated bro pissing behind a wedding tent:

14. 這個冰球迷花大錢買了件個性化的球衣

This puck-loving bro who decided to splurge on a personalized jersey:


This bro protesting Mother Nature:

16. 霸氣外露的T-SHIRT....

This brocano who is the master of his domain:

17. 嗯....?

This bro-o-lantern:

18. 這個太驕傲了

This bro and his priorities:

19. 你真的很貼心

This bro who gave directions to ATMs without bullshit fees:

20. 在這裡溜狗?確認?

This bro who never goes to Home Depot without his dawgs:

21. 在行光合作用吧

This bro and his beloved broccoli:

22. 他把他的寄居蟹帶來聽演唱會了,他一定很愛牠吧。

This champion who brought his hermit crab to a concert:

23. 大家都知道你超愛餡餅了

This flapjack-loving bro:

24. 他在更衣室外面等他的老婆跟女兒

This papa-bro waiting for his wife and daughter outside a dressing room:

25. 啤酒比生命重要阿

This bro who put the beer first:

26. 舒服才是重點!

This bro who knows comfort is king:

27. 他讓大家知道要玩小gg的玩笑永遠不會嫌年紀大。

This bro who knows you're never too old for a good dick joke:

28. 他們讓我看見友情的真諦

And these bros who know the true meaning of friendship:



